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How to Setup Email in Outlook?

How to Setup Email in Outlook?

How can I setup mail in Microsoft Outlook?

How to Configure Outlook | Outlook Email Setup

The below tutorial helps you to know how to set up email in outlook with step by step instructions. Follow the below instructions to configure your email in Microsoft Outlook.
Step 1: Open Microsoft Outlook. Under Tools Menu, choose Email Accounts option.
Choose Email Accounts In Outlook
Step 2: Email Accounts Window Opens. Choose "Add a new email account" and click Next.
Choose Add Mail Accounts Outlook
Step 3: Select Pop3 as Server Type and click Next.
Select Pop3 Server Type In Outlook
Step 4: Internet Email Settings Window opens. Enter your information of Name, Email address, Username, Password, Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server and click Next.
Email Settings In Outlook
Step 5: In the email settings window, choose the Outgoing Server tab.

Outlook Email Settings
Step 6:Select "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication."
Step 7:Select "Use same settings as my incoming mail server".
Internet Mail Settings In Outlook
Step 7: Select Advanced Tab.
Step 8: Change the Outgoing Server Port to 25 and click OK.
Advanced Mail Settings In Outlook
Step 9: Click Next
Email Settings In Outlook
Step 10:Click Finish.
Email Account Setup In Outlook
Your email account setup in outlook has been completed.


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