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Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts

Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts      

• Rate of interest 9.1% Per Annum(2014-15),calculated on yearly basis ,Yearly compounded.

• Minimum INR. 1000/-and Maximum INR. 1,50,000/- in a financial year. Subsequent deposit in multiple of INR 100/- Deposits can be made in lump-sum No limit on number of deposits either in a month or in a Financial year

• A legal Guardian/Natural Guardian can open account in the name of Girl Child.

• A guardian can open only one account in the name of one girl child and maximum two accounts in the name of two different Girl children.

• Account can be opened up to age of 10 years only from the date of birth. For initial operations of Scheme, one year grace has been given. With the grace, Girl child who is born between 2.12.2003 &1.12.2004 can open account up to1.12.2015.

• If minimum Rs 1000/- is not deposited in a financial year, account will become discontinued and can be revived with a penalty of Rs 50/- per year with minimum amount required for deposit for that year.

• Partial withdrawal, maximum up to 50% of balance standing at the end of the preceding financial year can be taken after Account holder’s attaining age of 18 years.
• Account can be closed after completion of 21 years.

• If account is not closed after maturity, balance will continue to earn interest as specified for the scheme from time to time.

• Normal Premature closer will be allowed after completion of 18 years /provided that girl is married.

For An Example


Rate Of Interest 9.10%
SR Next_Year_ Amt Deposit_Amt Year_Paid Year_Interest Due_Amount
1 0 12,000 12,000 1,092 13,092
2 13,092 12,000 25,092 2,283 27,375
3 27,375 12,000 39,375 3,583 42,959
4 42,959 12,000 54,959 5,001 59,960
5 59,960 12,000 71,960 6,548 78,508
6 78,508 12,000 90,508 8,236 98,744
7 98,744 12,000 110,744 10,078 120,822
8 120,822 12,000 132,822 12,087 144,909
9 144,909 12,000 156,909 14,279 171,188
10 171,188 12,000 183,188 16,670 199,858
11 199,858 12,000 211,858 19,279 231,137
12 231,137 12,000 243,137 22,125 265,262
13 265,262 12,000 277,262 25,231 302,493
14 302,493 12,000 314,493 28,619 343,112
15 343,112 0 343,112 31,223 374,335
16 374,335 0 374,335 34,064 408,400
17 408,400 0 408,400 37,164 445,564
18 445,564 0 445,564 40,546 486,110
19 486,110 0 486,110 44,236 530,346
20 530,346 0 530,346 48,262 578,608
21 578,608 0 578,608 52,653 631,261
22 631,261 0 631,261 57,445 688,706
23 688,706 0 688,706 62,672 751,378
24 751,378 0 751,378 68,375 819,753
25 819,753 0 819,753 74,598 894,351
26 894,351 0 894,351 81,386 975,737
27 975,737 0 975,737 88,792 1,064,529
28 1,064,529 0 1,064,529 96,872 1,161,401
Total 168000
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Estimated Time:

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Estimated Time:

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