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Pay 10 And Get Rs. 20 Paytm Cashback Offer 31-01-2015

10 Rs. ka 20 Rs.

10 ka 20

About Rs. 20 Paytm Cashback Offer

Pay Rs.10 using Paytm wallet & get Rs. 20 Cashback.
Cashback amount will be automatically credited to your Paytm wallet within 24 Hours.
Valid till 31st Jan 2015 for existing & new users. Limited units on sale.
Offer valid for 1 transaction per user only.
Indiatimes Shopping reserves right to close this offer any time.

How to Redeem:

  • Step 1: Click on Buy Now & proceed to checkout.
  • Step 2: Enter your login details & continue
  • Step 3: Choose Paytm Wallet as your payment method on checkout and click pay now
  • Step 4: Log in or Sign Up on the Paytm website
  • Step 5: Complete payment!
  • Step 6: Wait for cashback amount to be automatically credited to your Paytm wallet

  • Terms & Conditions:

  • This offer is valid till 31st Jan 2015. Limited units on sale.
  • Valid for both existing & new users.
  • Indiatimes Shopping reserves right to close this offer any time.
  • A customer can buy & use only one voucher.
  • No refund for multiple purchases.
  • Amount will be automatically credited in your Paytm wallet within 24 hours.
  • Payment done by any payment mechanism other than Paytm wallet will be considered invalid & shall be cancelled.
  • The refund of the same will be done within 72 Hours by Indiatimes Shopping.
  • Any queries related to this Cashback Offer will be handled by Paytm support only.
  • Kindly email at or call 1800-1800-1234.



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