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Showing posts from July, 2018

Excel Function to Convert Rupees in Figure to Rupees in Word

Excel Function to Convert Rupees in Figure to Rupees in Word Following function convert ( Rupees in figure ) numeric value in a Microsoft Excel worksheet cell into its equivalent in (Rupees in Word ) English words. e.g.  =SpellNumber(2450) will display as Rupees Two Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Only After copying following code, Enable macro and use above function. How to create the sample function Called SpellNumber Start Microsoft Excel. Press ALT+F11 to start the Visual Basic Editor. On the Insert menu, click Module . Type the following code into the module sheet. Function SpellNumber(amt As Variant) As Variant Dim FIGURE As Variant Dim LENFIG As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim WORDs(19) As String Dim tens(9) As String WORDs(1) = "One" WORDs(2) = "Two" WORDs(3) = "Three" WORDs(4) = "Four" WORDs(5) = "Five" WORDs(6) = "Six" WORDs(7) = "Seven" WORDs(8) = "Eight" WORDs(9) =...